AHCA/Florida Department of Health
(Background Screening Clearinghouse Live Scan Ori's #'s)
ORI Number Profession
EAHCA790Z Managed Care
EAHCA013Z Florida Medicaid Providers and Enrollees
EDOH0380Z Certified Nursing Assistant by Exam
EDOH2014Z Physician/Medical Doctor
EDOH2015Z Osteopathic Physician
EDOH2016Z Chiropractic Physician
EDOH2017Z Podiatric Physician
EDOH2550Z RN/LPN by Exam - Initial
EDOH3451Z Orthotist & Prosthetist
EDOH4400Z C.N.A by Reciprocity
EDOH4410Z LPN by Endorsement
EDOH4420Z RN by Endorsement
EDOH4500Z Acupuncture
EDOH4510Z Anesthesiologist Assistant
EDOH4520Z Athletic Training
EDOH4530Z Clinical Lab Personnel
EDOH4540Z Clinical Nurse Specialist
EDOH4550Z Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family, Mental Health Counseling
EDOH4560Z Dentistry
EDOH4570Z Dietetics/Nutrition
EDOH4580Z Electrolysis
EDOH4590Z Hearing Aid Specialist
EDOH4600Z Massage Therapy
EDOH4610Z Medical Physicist
EDOH4620Z Midwifery
EDOH4630Z Naturopath
EDOH4640Z Nursing Home Administrator
EDOH4650Z Occupational Therapy
EDOH4660Z Opticianry
EDOH4670Z Optometry
EDOH4680Z Pharmacist
EDOH4690Z Physical Therapy
EDOH4700Z Physician Assistant
EDOH4710Z Psychology
EDOH4720Z Respiratory Care
EDOH4730Z School Psychology
EDOH4740Z Speech/Language Pathology
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
ORI Number Profession
FL923130Z D License (Security Officer)
FL923130Z G License (Armed Security Officer)
FL923130Z CC License (Private Investigator Intern)
FL923130Z K License Firearm Instructor
FL923130Z DI (Security Officer Instructor)
FL923130Z M (Manager of Security & Private Investigation Agency)
FL923130Z MA (Manager of Private Investigative Agency)
FL923130Z MB (Manager of Security Agency)
FL923130Z E (Recovery Agency)
FL923130Z EE (Recovery Agency)
FL923130Z DS (Security School)
FL923130Z C (Private Investigator)
FL923130Z A (Private Investigation Agency)
FL923130Z RI (Recovery School Instructor)
Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts Guardianship Program
ORI Number Profession
FL013124Z Guardianship
Florida Dept. of Children's and Families
ORI Number Profession
EDCFSC30Z DCF Summer Camp Providers
EDCFMH20Z DCF Mental Health Providers
ADP (Agency for Persons with Disabilities)
ORI Number Profession
Department of Elder Affairs
ORI Number Profession
EDOEA310Z Department of Elder Affairs
Florida Dept of Juvenille Justice
ORI Number Profession
EDJJ1940Z Department of Juvenile Justice (Employee)
VDJJ1940Z Department of Juvenile Justice (Volunteer)
ORI Number Profession
Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
ORI Number Profession
FL921700Z Auto Dealer License
FL924360Z CDL School Instructor License
OFR (Florida Office of Financial Regulation)
ORI Number Profession
FL737111Z Florida Mortgage Loan Originator License
FL921050Z Florida Mortgage Broker & Lender License
FL921250Z Division of Securities
VR (Vocational Rehabilitation)
ORI Number Profession
EDOEVR100 Vendor Registration Employee
VDOEVR100 Vendor Registration Volunteer
EDOEVR200 Independent Living Employee
VDOEVR200 Independent Living Volunteer
Florida Department of Revenue
ORI Number Profession
FL921650Z Second Hand Dealer License
DBPR (Department of Business & Professional Regulation)
ORI Number Profession
FL920010Z Real Estate Sales and Broker
FL922050Z Real Estate Appraisers
FL923400Z Construction
FL921932Z Community Association Managers
FL921670Z Talent Agents
FL922040Z Athlete Agents
FL921880Z Employee Leasing
FL920150Z Alcoholic, Beverages and Tobacco
FL924250Z Home Inspectors
FL924260Z Mold Remediation or Assessment
FL924270Z (All Boards) Military Endorsement
FL924780Z Drugs, Devices & Cosmetics
FL921900Z Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes (FCTMH)
FL920630Z Pari-Mutuel Wagering (PMW)
FL923230Z Pari-Mutuel Slots (PMW)
Medical Cannabis Industry Fingerprinting in Florida
The Office of Compassionate Use (OCU) has been assigned an Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) number. The number, FL924890Z (DOH – OFFICE OF COMPASSIONATE USE), has been entered into the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) production system and is ready for use.
Those needing a Level 2 criminal history record check for purposes of submitting an application for approval as a dispensing organization pursuant to the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014 should present this number to the FDLE or one of its approved vendors for fingerprinting. Payment for the background check will be made directly to FDLE or the approved vendor. (Please note that if a person chooses to make electronic submissions via a Livescan service provider, the service provider may assess a fee in addition to the record check fee.) Results of the criminal history check will be provided to the OCU and not to the person being checked. The OCU will notify any person who does not successfully pass the criminal history record check.