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General private investigation services provided include:


Names, aliases, and SSN verification

Birth and death records/certificates

Bankruptcies, foreclosures, liens, judgments, and criminal history

CREDIT REPORTS (All 3 Bureaus)

Current and historical addresses

Due diligence (pre-transaction/pre-employment)

Phone numbers including listed and unlisted land-lines, mobile phones, and utilities data

Computer and mobile phone forensics

Relatives, neighbors and associates

Assets including property, vehicles

Licenses including professional, driver’s history (3/7 yr)

Vehicle tag recognition
Vehicle history Reports

Vehicle sighting Reports

Vehicle registration information verification

Vehicle title/Lien holder

Auto insurance information verification

Email addresses and social networks

Missing persons

Alimony - Cohabitation

Matrimonial/Infidelity – Surveillance




 SKIP TRACING for Financial Institutions,

Auto recovery & Tow Truck Companies, Law Firms,

Bail Bonds Agencies, Insurance Companies,

Attorneys, and Public Defenders











We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Paypal 

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